reaching voters

Helping you reach the exact right voters you need to win.

Voter Matched Targeting

DSPolitical brings together the best data-driven targeting science with a multi-layered digital advertising network to help your campaign find the exact right voters online every time. With the richness of television and the targeting ability of direct mail, your online advertising campaign will make a real impact on Election Day.

Build Your Custom Target Audience

Targeted Audience Segments Our data partnerships with Catalist allows you to select from dozens of targeted audience segments drawn from the Catalist national database. Custom Voter Match Match your own voter file against the DSPolitical database of more than 600 million browser cookies and mobile device profiles to create your custom targeted online universe.

Find The Right Voters Online Every Time

DSPolitical matches more than 600 million browser cookies and device profiles to the Catalist voter file across hundreds of targetable audience segments. With our ad network, you can target your online ads to specific groups of Americans across multiple devices, maximizing your impact and expanding your reach.

Robust Daily Reporting and Optimization

You always know how well your campaign is performing. Refine your message with creative testing capabilities and adjust your targets accordingly.

Work with Our Winning Team

Since 2011, DSPolitical has run hundreds of winning ad campaigns on behalf of some of the largest political and nonprofit organizations in the United States.

Low TV Watchers

An increasing number of Americans are opting out of television for services like Netflix and Hulu. Even more, are using DVRs to skip ads. To solve this dilemma, DSPolitical worked with data partner Catalist to create a nationwide model for those that are most likely to opt-out of television viewing using data from Nielsen, Rentrak, and Scarborough. In addition, this data has been supplemented by first-party data on television and streaming habits. The resulting match allows candidates and causes to put digital ads directly in front of these hard to reach Americans.

NGP VAN integration

DSPolitical’s Democratic Ads platform is now fully integrated with NGPVAN’s VoteBuilder! Now, any campaign with a Votebuilder account can create and upload a custom voter list straight to Democratic Ads and begin running a campaign for as little as $500. This custom matching technology used to be limited to larger campaigns with larger budgets. But now, DSPolitical has democratized the digital ad ecosystem, bringing big-budget technology to down-ballot races across the country.