How DSPolitical’s RCTs are Shaping the Future of Campaigns

Transforming Voter Engagement: Language Models in Action

Mobilizing Young Voters in NYC

Mobilizing Underserved Communities in Los Angeles County

Leveraging Vaccine Hesitancy Models in Rhode Island

Pioneering Advanced New Targeting Strategies to Defend Tribal Sovereignty

Pro-Choice Targeting Persuades Voters in the Fight to Hold Colorado’s State Legislature

Employing Connected TV to Secure Wins for Incumbent Democrats

Reaching Supporters for Community Violence Intervention Programs

Mobilizing Marginalized Voters in Advance of the Georgia Senate Runoff Elections

How DSPolitical and Rising Tide Interactive Helped Voto Latino Achieve Victories Across the Country

How DSPolitical and Fenton Activated Hard-to-Reach Voters in Los Angeles County

Voter Targeted Digital Ads Help Propel Shevrin Jones to a Historic Win

Winning a Tight Governor’s Race in Louisiana with Deploy

Democratic Gun Safety Message Delivers Big Victory to Pennsylvania

Reaching Voters Where They Are to Flip a U.S. Senate Seat

Expanding the Democratic Vote to Win Wisconsin’s Governorship

Using Member to Member Communication to Support Wage Increases During a Strike

Electing Danica Roem, America’s First Transgender State Legislator

Using to Flip the New Hampshire Legislature

Making History in a Crowded Field of High-Profile Progressives